Wednesday, November 12, 2008

UPSR 2008 results a historic milestone!!

Congratulations to all students, teachers and parents for achieving a record 37 students with 5As in the UPSR results today!!!

This is a record 34% (more than one third) of students scoring straight As out of the 110 candidates.

10 students obtained 4A 1 B. Overall, this is the best achievement and the BIGGEST comeback (compared to last year's only 16 students getting 5As)

Bravo and Kudos to everyone. Together, we, PIBG and the school can do it !!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kelas tambahan UPSR dan Borang Sekolah Menengah

Pengumuman berikut ini adalah dari Cikgu Azizah Mahmud...terimakasih kerana mengunjungi blog ini.


Kelas tambahan UPSR akan diadakan semasa cuti persekolahan
Tarikh : 16,18,19 dan 20 Ogos 2008
Tempat : Kelas Tahun 6
Masa : 8.00 pagi hingga 12.20 tgh

Penempatan Murid Ke Sekolah Menengah:
Penempatan murid ke sekolah menengah dibuka sekarang. Borang telah diedarkan kepada semua murid tahun 6. Ibu bapa sila isikan borang tersebut dan kembalikan kepada pihak sekolah sebelum atau pada 15 Ogos 2008. Maklumat lanjut sila hubungi pihak sekolah.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Updated - Solat Hajat UPSR

In the PIBG meeting last week, it was decided that the Solat Hajat for UPSR will be held on August 14th (Khamis malam Jumaat) 2008 at the school's open hall. This is another effort to supplicate to the Almighty that our efforts are just means and that we have done our utmost best; whilst the final result are entirely in His hands. We hope that the Almighty favors our efforts and doings; and grant us favourable outcome of the UPSR...amin.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

How to post a comment in this blog

A number of parents had asked how to put comments in this blog. Its very simple…just follow these steps:

1. Click on “ comments” at end of article.
2. A page appears where you can type in your comment in the box under “Leave your comment”.
3. You need a Google account before your comment can be published. If you already have one, skip step 4 and 5.
4. On page mentioned in step 2, click “Sign up here” .
5. Fill out the required info. You can use your existing email id.
6. Type your comment in the box under "Leave your comment" .
7. Click “Publish Your Comment”.
8. Smile , you are now a family member of this blog.

Pemandu ingkar dan gejala negatif

Kita menerima SMS dari En A hari ini yang ingin berbincang tentang sikap pemandu yang tidak mematuhi jalan sehala di hadapan sekolah dan isu pemandu van sapu yang menunjukkan gejala tidak sihat di hadapan kanak2. SMS tersebut adalah spt berikut:

"Salam , saya cuba buat komen dlm blog SKTTDI2, tp tak boleh masuk. Tak mengapa, tp bolehkah masukkan "keprihatinan" saya ini. Pertama, sikap ibubapa dan masyarakat TTDI yg masih belum memahami keselamatan anak2 apabila mereka dgn tanpa segan silu masih masuk ke kawasan sekolah dr arah yg bertentangan. Kedua, semakin banyak van sapu yg membawa anak2. Dan yg menyakitkan mata ialah mereka MEROKOK smsa mereka membawa anak2 ini. Mungkin boleh kita bincangkan dlm blog. TQ. A"

Kami alu-alukan komen dan cadangan anda. Untuk pengetahuan umum, pihak PIBG sedang meneliti sebutharga untuk outdoor CCTV di pondok pengawal dan/atau pagar sekolah sebagai langkah keselamatan; tapi mungkin ini juga dapat berfungsi sebagai "deterrent" kepada kelalaian kesedaran sivik di kalangan pemandu.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hati-hati penularan penyakit kuku dan mulut

Buletin Utama TV3 dan Berita Harian Online malam tadi melapurkan sekolah jiran, SKTTDI(1) akan ditutup Jumaat 18 Julai untuk tujuan "disinfeksi" berikutan kira-kira 6 murid dijangkiti penyakit kuku dan mulut.

PIBG menasihatkan supaya kita sama-sama awasi anak2 kita dan mengenalpasti sindrom penyakit di peringkat awal dan mendapatkan rawatan segera.

Untuk tips kebersihan, dan tanda2 awal penyakit kuku dan mulut sila lawat

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tips from Dr Fadilah Kamsah

Semoga kita boleh memanafaatkan mana yang baik dari tips berikut. Kejayaan anak-anak adalah berkait rapat dengan amalan ibubapa
(source: )

Sebelum tidur, maafkan semua orang tak kira siapa ~ InsyaAllah,Allah
lipat gandakan rezeki. Sebelum tidur, berdoa, depends on apa
yg kita hendak sepanjang tidur,otak akan generatekan all of our wish & InsyaAllah, kita akan work towards it (ada semangat) di keesokan harinya.

Makan buah sebelum breakfast, lunch & dinner ~ ikut Sunnah &dapat pahala & also boleh rujuk kpd pakar. Pemakanan,vit. C dari buah2an yg dimakan selepas breakfast, lunch & dinner yang akan diperolehi adalah approaching 0%.

Jangan minum air semasa sedang makan (breakfast, lunch & dinner). Minum air selepas 15-30 minit selepas makan.Untuk minum, bagi teguk yg pertama sahaja, biarkan air dlm mulut about 10s then baru telan.Teguk kedua & seterusnya boleh minum terus sbb air liur ada enzyme yg boleh membunuh kuman dlm pankreas,perut, & so on yg akan dibawa oleh air
tegukan pertama.

Seelok2nya makan malam sblm maghrib ~ ikut sunnah (Rasullullah makan sblm maghrib kecuali bulan Ramadhan saja ie masa maghrib), sbb,bagi yg tgh study (or anak2), otak akan berfungsi excellently (senang absorb
ilmu) around 2 hrs slps makan so, if makan at 8:30pm, around 10:30pm baru start study and most probably hanya boleh bertahan hingga jam 12 tgh malam saja,jadi, tak byk yg boleh dipelajari berbanding kalau makan pukul 6:30(org Cina take dinner around this hour). Juga, kita tak tidur dlm kekenyangan (yg
mana boleh menghindar dari membuat sembahyang malam)

Tatacara di bilik air: Selepas buang air kecil, berdehem 3x (teran sikit) boleh elak drpd dapat batu karang Semasa buang air besar,mengiring sedikit ke kiri ~ ikut sunnah sbb bila mengiring ke kiri, perut akan tekan bladder and senang buang air besar

Tatacara didik anak
Antara tips untuk dpt anak bijak/genius, ajar anak (atau baby) tidur mengiring ke kanan ~ sbb jantung (yg terletak sblh kiri)akan lebih”lapang”/”lega” dan mudah berdegup (erjalanan darah okay) and otak anak akan develop excellently.Bagi anak2 yg dah azalinya active or hyper-active, kurang(or jgn) pakaikan baju warna orange ~ sbb warna ini boleh merangsang secara aktifnya tindak tanduk anak (ie. akan lebih nakal), sentiasa bersemangat waja & exuberant.

Tatacara didik diri sendiri: Amalkan apa2 yg baik (juga amalan2 baru) selama 21+ plus hari berturut2 supaya dapat istiqamah~ Buang segala rasa hasad dengki, dendam & lain2 yg -ve ~emosi2 ini akan membenarkan otak release excessive adrenaline, cortisone & toxine yg mana boleh membawa kpd bbrp penyakit cepat letih, wajah cepat nampak tua(tua sblm waktunya), selalu sakit perut & etc

Ada 3 kategori manusia :-
BERJAYA : Hari ini lebih baik daripada semalam
TERPEDAYA : Hari ini sama seperti semalam
CELAKA : Hari ini lebih teruk daripada semalam

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Science project vs. Revision/Self Learning

Puan F today sent SMS to me and hilited the need/priority of Science project/presentation (6 to a group, with topics ranging from eclipse, waste management, endangered species, acid rain, etc.). Would it be better for the students to concentrate on intensive revision with 2 more months to go.

I suggested that Puan F clarify with Puan Tan if the Science project/presentation is a UPSR requirement (ie. PEKA which is Pass or Fail in UPSR result slip). If not a requirement, can the priority be focussed on studying. If it is indeed a requirement, can this be done earlier for next year's UPSR so that it doesn't encroach too near to the UPSR dates.

If you have comments or insight on this matter, let us know. It will help other parents prioritize to make the best use of the remaining 2 months. Remember, sharing is caring!

Support building up

I received an SMS from a Puan S today. I reproduce the SMS as is (its easy to just bluetooth the SMS from my PDA to my laptop and paste onto this blog):

"THANK U 4 ur well wishes 2 upsr candidates.i thank pibg n skol's personel 4 ur efforts.i hav nt missed ur progs at skol.m sure many parents wil participant as day draws near.rgds, "

Let us know your feedback; and above all share if your children are having difficulties in certain areas, or want to know what is the homework or answers to confusing questions in activity book - I'm sure other parents will chip in!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A shift in the right direction

Salam ceria Year 6 parents.... Thank you for your active participation during the "UPSR Motivasi" talk by Hj Hushim Salleh last Saturday. I was certainly emotionally-moved during the session and I hope you went home feeling uplifted in some ways.

How's your children doing...did you see any positive changes? I'm seeing some positive changes in my daughter...she arrived home after the motivasi, took shower and locked herself up in her room. 2 hours later she came out and said "Dad, I just finished 200 questions from the Nexus Bahasa activity book". In the past, it usually took me a few minutes of yakking to get her just to lift the activity book. I certainly hope she can sustain this. For the past 3 days, she has been averaging 80 questions a day, and also finished Year 4 Science topic by topic questions from the Nexus book as suggested by Puan Tan Tee Chooi. Share your experience, pose your questions in this blog: It's by us for us !

On the Jiran Sekampung, the following folks have volunteered to start the ball rolling and will be contacting each other. Hopefully they will pen-in a few words to share in this blog:

Go ahead, ask a question, throw-in a comment...more often than not, your comments are probably stuff that others are thinking about - lets hear about it.

Anda juga digalakkan untuk berkongsi pendapat dan pengalaman dalam Bahasa Malaysia....tak kira perantaraan bahasa yang kita guna asalkan dapat difahami bersama. Okey la tu...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

UPSR Motivation by Hj Hushim Salleh

The PIBG-sponsored motivational talk by Hj Hushim Salleh today was held at the school's open hall. Both parents and their Year 6 children attended. The charismatic speaker successfully engaged the audience and shared valuable tips on how to lovingly motivate a child to achieve excellent performance both academically and in self-esteem.

At the end of the talk, the YDP presented a proposal to promote networking amongst the parents and announced the existence of this blog. The following are the slides used.

We had about 10 parents volunteering to be part of the networking. We welcome additional participation from parents to join the network and reap the benefits as highlighted by Hj Hushim in his talk. The PIBG hopes to create an environment of open communication, sharing and active interaction amongst parents and teachers. Thanks for reading...your comments are warmly welcomed!

These pics were taken by one of the PIBG AJK En Misdan ....thanks for sharing, Misdan!